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Debunking Common Skin Myths: What You Think You Have vs. What You Actually Have

Our Hollywood dermatology clinic will often see patients who come in convinced they have one condition, only to find out it’s something entirely different. Let’s take a look at some of the most common misconceptions when it comes to skin issues.

Myth 1: “I Have Shingles”

Shingles is one of the most commonly self-diagnosed skin conditions. While people often come in thinking they have shingles, it’s not always the case. Shingles has a distinct look—usually a painful rash that appears on one side of the body or face. If your rash doesn’t follow this pattern, it’s likely something else. Some examples of skin issues that commonly get mistaken for shingles include cellulitis, herpes simplex, impetigo, folliculitis, and contact dermatitis.

Myth 2: “It’s a Spider Bite”

Many patients will come to our dermatology office thinking that their painful boil is from a spider bite. In reality, most of the time it’s a bacterial infection like staph. True spider bites, especially from spiders like the brown recluse, are quite rare in Florida.

Myth 3: “I Have Rosacea”

Rosacea is another condition that patients often diagnose themselves. While they may be correct about the flushing or long-term redness on their face, there are also many cases that turn out to be conditions like Piryrosporum folliculitis, Demodex folliculitis, or even acne, which can all mimic rosacea. These skin conditions are treatable but require a different approach.

If you’ve been relying on Google to diagnose your skin issues, it might be time to see a dermatologist near you. We can help distinguish between conditions that look similar but require different treatments. If you live in or near Hollywood, FL and are looking for an experienced dermatologist, we invite you to contact Minars Dermatology, call 954-284-0127 or click below to book an appointment.

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Also see our articles on:
When To See a Dermatologist
Understanding Fixed Drug Eruption
Skin Cancer Detection
Evolution of Dermatology Treatments


4060 Sheridan Street, Suite C
Hollywood, Florida 33021

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From the moment I walked into his office, I was impressed by the warm and welcoming environment. The staff was friendly and accommodating, and the doctor was incredibly knowledgeable and attentive.
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Florida Academy of Dermatology

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