Wart Treatment in Hollywood, Florida
Treating warts has been part of the daily work done in our office since 1975. We see and treat every kind of wart on all body parts every day. It is really “bread and butter” dermatology – but we do it with more thought and care than most.
AND our office has all the tools that one might need to tackle those especially stubborn warts – like lasers, bleomycin, candida antigen etc….
We know you want these gone “yesterday”:
- We can often accommodate same-day appointments.
- Convenient hours so you can get your treatment “over with”.
- And we are obsessed with staying on time (so you won’t waste your whole morning with us.)
EST. 1975
Board-certified MD dermatologists in a clean modern office. Obsessed with customer service and running on-time. We see children and adults for medical, surgical, cosmetic, and laser dermatology.
Never an automated phone menu, always a live person.
Early morning, early evening, and saturdays.
Two of our doctors are assistant professors of dermatology & teach at University of Miami School of Medicine.
We’ll get you in
Wart Removal & Treatment Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some questions that we are frequently asked about wart removal, diagnosis, and treatment. As always, this information is provided to you for educational purposes – if you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office!
What is the fastest way to get rid of warts?
Having it treated at a dermatologist. I find that the fastest way to get rid of wart is numbing the area and shaving off or “digging” out the wart (followed by freezing the base with liquid nitrogen). But warts are notoriously stubborn and sometimes recur even after this procedure.
Why do people get warts?
Warts are caused by a virus called HPV. You get a wart by direct contact with the HPV virus (either on another person or the environment.)
How can warts be prevented?
The HPV virus is ubiquitous, so it is impossible to perfectly protect yourself from ever getting a wart (just like you can never perfectly protect yourself from ever having the “common cold”). You can minimize your chances of plantar warts by not walking barefoot. And you can partially protect yourself against genital warts by getting the HPV vaccine and practicing “safe sex” using latex condoms.
Are warts dangerous?
The vast majority of warts are harmless. HPV (the virus that causes warts) can sometimes be dangerous if certain locations (female cervix, anus, oral cavity etc…) are infected with certain types of HPV. (There are hundreds of HPV types but only a few are likely to increase cancer risks. The latest HPV vaccine can protect you against may of these “cancer causing” HPV types.)
Can warts spread from hand to face?
Warts are spread by direct contact (so yes a wart on the hand can touch your face and possibly create a wart on the face.)
Does salicylic acid hurt on warts?
Salicylic acid does not hurt when used to treat warts.
What if it’s not a wart?
Sometimes little growths on the skin can be something else; a skin tag, or possibly molluscum contagiosum