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The Vitalize Peel

Several months ago, three of our patients separately requested the Vitalize Peel by name. We had not heard of it but we were already doing a similar peel called a “Jessner’s Peel” from a different company. The problem with the Jessner’s Peel, which has been around for decades, is that the results were not consistent (some people peeled a lot, others very little.) So we tried the Vitalize Peel and discovered that it gives a great peel every time. Since switching to this brand of peel six months ago, it has become one of the most common procedures we do.

What does this procedure involve?
The peel takes about 10 to 15 minutes to perform in the office. The prep is very important. First you must wash your face to remove all make-up and dirt. Then the three-step peel is performed:
Step 1 – the nurse vigorously degreases your face with a gauze pad and the step-1 solution.
Step 2 – multiple coats of the first peeling agent are applied. The first peeling agent is a modified Jessner’s solution. For those of you not familiar with Jessner’s solution, it is a mixture of lactic acid, salicylic acid and resorcinol and we have been using this solution for years in dermatology.
Step 3 – one coat of the second peeling agent (retinoic acid) is applied.
There is a slight burn or tingle felt during the peel (and sometimes for a few hours afterward). For the next two days, your skin actually looks great, it is bright and glowing with no peeling, and then on day 3 —you start to peel! The peeling lasts for up to a week.

Why do people like it so much?
The results are predictable and there is no down- time. This is no “wrinkle-cure” but your skin does look noticeably better in a short period of time.

A reminder about peels:
Peels come in several strengths: superficial, medium, and deep. The deeper you go, the greater the results, but also the risk and downtime increase. Superficial peels just exfoliate you (like a salicylic acid peel for acne). A few cell layers flake off, but you don’t peel all that much. At the other extreme, a deep peel (like a phenol peel that you see on TV shows like Extreme Makeover) requires general anesthesia.

The Vitalize Peel is superficial to medium peel. It is the deepest of the superficial peels. It removes most of the epidermis, which we feel is the perfect depth. Why? Because, it is deep enough to give you visible results, but it does not hurt, it is very safe, and you do not need to miss any work.

What skin conditions does it help?
Acne – patients who need a stronger peel than the typical salicylic acid peels we routinely perform on our acne patients may consider the Vitalize peel.
Hyperpigmentation / Melasma – peeling is a part of the treatment (along with a bleaching cream and sun protection) for these conditions.
Anyone who wants a brighter more even skin tone. You will notice a difference after just one peel and you can get more dramatic results with a series of 3 to 6 peels.

The Staff and Doctors at Minars Dermatology
phone: 954-987-7512

In This Issue
What does this procedure involve?

Why do people like it so much?

A reminder about peels:
What skin conditions does it help?Don’t forget to vaccinate girls age 9 thru 26.
We believe in vaccination and preventative medicine. Gardasil is a vaccine that protects young women against Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), the main cause of cervical cancer. It is recommended for all girls and women ages 9 thru 26.

Also, the Zostavax vaccine is now available. It protects against shingles and it is recommended for seniors age 65 and older. Unfortunately, most insurance companies do not cover this vaccine.


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Hollywood, Florida 33021

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From the moment I walked into his office, I was impressed by the warm and welcoming environment. The staff was friendly and accommodating, and the doctor was incredibly knowledgeable and attentive.
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Florida Academy of Dermatology

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