You must do baseline
and repeat blood work
You must NOT get pregnant
while on Accutane
You must wear sunscreen
everyday and reapply as
necessary if exposed to sun
You must AVOID sun exposure
You must report depression
or other side effects
You must AVOID alcohol
You must keep regular
follow-up appointments
You must NOT use hair removal
treatments (wax, nair, etc.).
—Laser hair removal can be done
according to provider discretion
You must moisturize the skin
and use chapstick daily
You must AVOID laser surgery,
tattoos, and other surgery while
on Accutane.
—Cosmetic surgery can be done
according to provider discretion
Take Medication with a fatty meal
(Heathy fats: Avocado, olive oil, etc.)
You must NOT take antibiotics or
use acne products with salicylic
acid or benzoyl peroxide while
on Accutane.
You must NOT donate blood